ICCS 2009, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

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ICCS 2009: Tutorials

On Sunday, May 24, two tutorials will be organised that can be attended without additional cost by conference delegates.

Subject Presenters
Parallel Performance Evaluation Tools for HPC Systems
(full day tutorial)
Allen D. Malony, University of Oregon
Markus Geimer, FZ Jülich
Andreas Knüpfer, TU Dresden
Rick Kufrin, NCSA/University of Illinois
Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee
Developing HPC Applications with the Cactus Framework Erik Schnetter, Frank Loeffler, Eloisa Bentivegna
GPU Processors for data parallel solutions for high performance computation research John Roberts, NVIDIA
Paulius Micikevicius, NVIDIA
There is no fee to attend the tutorials, but please, fill out the registration form.


ICCS 2009 is organised by

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