ICCS 2012 Frequently asked questions
Q1) Are the ICCS 2012 proceedings indexed by ... ?
A1) On this Elsevier writes:
Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on www.Elsevier.com
and on our content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect),
and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will
also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com)
and Engineering Village (Ei) www.engineeringvillage.com. This includes EI Compendex.
The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI
numbers. You will be able to provide a hyperlink to all delegates and
direct your conference website visitors to your proceedings.
Once we publish 4 issues (of Procedia Computer
Sciences) in one calendar year we can apply to Thomson ISI
for an Impact Factor for proceedings. This will however take some time.
Q2) Can I have more than 10 pages? Can I buy extra pages?
A2) No, you cannot. The page count includes everything, affiliations,
e-mail addresses, acknowledgements, references, figures and figure
Q3) Must I really complete all the information on my paper on
the upload page?
A3) Yes, please do, and make sure it is correct and complete. This
information will also be used directly in creating the Author list for
the proceedings and the information on the conference schedule.
Q4) What is my paper id?
A4) It is the number that follows the "id=" at the end of you upload
Q5) How should I submit a revised paper?
A5) Please upload it to your paper's "personal" url in the paper
submission system.
Upload both a pdf version and the sources (MS Word or Latex).
Be sure to include all figures and styles if you use latex, preferably
in a single zip or tgz file.
Preferably, use easily identifiable file names.
Avoid non-ascii and
non-printing characters. Keep names reasonably short.
Do not e-mail papers to your workshop organiser or to the conference
For more extensive instructions see CRC.html
Q6) What should I do with my original submission when I
upload the revised paper?
A6) Please, delete that so that we can easily decide what files to send
to Elsevier.
Q7) I want two submit more than one paper to ICCS - how
should I do it?
A7) For each paper go to our
paper submission page and create an upload url for the
appropriate workshop. Never submit two separate papers to
one upload url.
Q8) I have two or more papers in ICCS - should I register
separately for each paper?
A8) Yes, you should, but a reduced rate applies for additional papers
Q9) I am a student - do I get a reduced rate?
A9) We do have a student rate.
Q10) How about visa?
Once you register (registration page)
a visa invitation letter will be generated and sent to you via email along
with your registration receipt. This information is generally enough to apply
for a US visa. If you need a letter faxed to you or a consulate in your country,
please email us at iccs2012omaha@gmail.com.
Q10a) What if I still have additional questions about the visa process?
A10a) You can write an email to Merry Ellen Turner, Director of International Programs at the University of Nebraska - Omaha (mturner@unomaha.edu).
For those who require a letter of invitation for the Visa application,
register with the conference first.
Q11) Where do I find the copyright
form and the Procedia formatting instructions?
A11) Please see here for the copyright form and here for formatting instructions.
Note that you only need to submit the copyright form after the paper
has been accepted for the conference
Q12) Must all authors sign the copyright transfer form?
A12) No, it is assumed that one author can sign for all.
Q13) Where should I send my copyright form?
A13) We prefer a scanned copy. I.e. fill out the form, carefully check that you have filled out all required fields,
print it, sign it and scan it. Use pdf, gif or jpg format for scanned image, make sure it is legible
Upload it to the same page as your paper - but as a separate file named
The slots "source" and "pdf" actually accept any type of file - the
names are more reminders to upload both
Q15) What are the most common problems with the paper format? A15) The things that should be checked are:
- The paper itself:
- The paper must
be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of Procedia Computer Science (for formatting information see here.
Click here for a Latex template plus instructions and click here for an MS word template file).
- Make sure that the Elsevier, Science Direct and Procedia header/logo is included.
- Are both sources and printable version available?
- Is the length of the printable version OK? (≤ ten pages)
- Is the layout OK, are the figures legible, can you open
the file without getting messages about missing fonts?
- Does it conform to the Procedia format (printing area not
larger than 165 mm × 219 mm; watch for figures, table boundaries etc)
- Line spacing, font sizes etc. not reduced to make
everything fit.
- Meta data (on url):
- Are all authors listed and in the correct order?
- Is the abstract identical to the one in the paper?
- Is the presenter correct?
NB. This information is used in preparing the proceedings and the program.
When you make changes, these will appear immediately in the on-line program.
Papers should be based on unpublished, original work
and must be submitted to ICCS only.
Q16) When will the conference
start and end?
A16) The scientific program of ICCS 2012 will start on Monday June 4
and will end on Wednesday June 6, 2012.
This should help you in planning your travel.
Q17) How much time do I have for my presentation?
A17) Normally you have 20 minutes (including questions) for a full oral presentation. If there are fewer than 5 papers in a session, the chair may allow some more time.
For a short presentation, you have 10 minutes total.
Q18) Are there any format requirements for presentations?
A18) Please use power point or pdf slide formats. We do not have required templates or so. Otherwise, please follow the usual guidelines.
We do not have facilities for multiple screen presentations, video tapes etc.
Q19) What are the requirements for posters?
A19) The maximum size is A0 paper format (portrait).
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