What to submit
When your paper has been accepted for publication in the Procedia
Computer Science proceedings you must make sure to submit on or before
March 7, 2011:
- A pdf file formatted according to the rules for Procedia (see
below). The reviewers' remarks should be taken into account when
producing this document. The maximum number of pages is strictly
limited to 10. Make sure that for all authors the home institute
(affiliation) is included and the e-mail address of at least the
corresponding author.
Name this file "paperID.pdf", where ID is your paper
(Please submit only pdf, not e.g. postscript)
- The complete sources (word or latex) for this document. If there
are multiple file (as is usual for latex), please, put them together in
a single zip or tgz file.
Please, call the file "paperID.doc", "paperID.zip" or
- A scanned copy (pdf, jpg or png) of the completed and signed Procedia
Copyright Form
Please, call the file "copyrightID.pdf/jpg/png"
- Make sure that the meta-information (authors, paper title,
abstract and presenter) on the upload page is fully correct.
Please, submit these by uploading them to your paper upload url.
Do not forget to register for the conference before March
31. Provide your paper ID when registering. Papers for which
no registration has been received will not be included in the
proceedings or the final conference program.
Paper format
We have prepared template files specifically for ICCS 2011. Please, use only these template files; not
those available directly from the Elsevier site.
Template file
for word.
Template file for latex (zip archive).
Please, make sure that you have used the correct template!
After the conference, selected papers may be invited for a special
issue of the
Journal of Computational Science or other journals
ICCS is an ERA
2010 A-ranked conference series.
ICCS 2011 is organised by |