ICCS 2008 Frequently asked questions
When is my presentation scheduled? See here for the schedule. You can find your paper by title on this page.
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We have received a lot of e-mails with questions about ICCS submissions.
Q1) Are short oral papers also published in the LNCS proceedings?
A1) Yes they are and yes, the can also have 10 pages.
Q2) Can I have more pages? Can I buy extra pages?
A2) No, you cannot. The page count includes everything, affiliations, e-mail addresses, acknowledgements, references, figures and figure captions. We have to be quite strict because we are very close to the maximum number of pages that can be included in the proceedings as a whole. Sorry.
Q3) Must I really complete all the information on my paper on the upload page?
A3) Yes, please do, and make sure it is correct and complete. This information will also be used directly in creating the Author list for the proceedings and the information on the conference schedule.
Q4) What is my paper id?
A4) It is the number that follows the "id=" at the end of you upload url
Q5) How should I submit my revised paper?
A5) Please upload it to your paper's "personal" url in the paper submission system.
Upload both a pdf (or ps) version and the sources (MS Word or Latex). Be sure to include all figures and styles if you use latex, preferably in a single zip or tgz file.
Preferably, use easily identifiable file names, such as Id_name.ext, where Id is the paper Id and name is your name. Avoid non-ascii and non-printing characters.
Do not e-mail them to your workshop organiser or to the conference organisation.
Q6) What should I do with my original submission when I upload the revised paper?
A6) Please, delete that so that we can easily decide what files to send to Springer.
Q7) Are the LNCS proceedings indexed by ... ?
A7) Here I received an extensive answer from Springer:
As from January 2007, LNCS books are no longer listed in the ISI Journal
Citation Index (or the Extended Index). They will be included in the
Proceedings listing.
The logic behind Thomson's elimination of LNCS from this product is that
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series does not, strictly
speaking, constitute a journal at all, but consists mainly of conference
proceedings. In 2005, LNCS published far more than two thirds of the
total number of articles published by all 71 journals included in ISI's
Subject Category 'Computer Science, Theory and Methods'. This fact,
together with LNCS's reclassification as 'proceedings' led to the
exclusion of our series from the Journal Citation Report/SCI.
Apart from being listed in our own SpringerLink database, the LNCS
volumes are also listed in the DBLP database:
http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/, as well as in SCOPUS,
INSPEC (Ei) and the Zentralblatt Math and their CompuServe Database, and
Google Scholar.
In brief, the above means that Thomson will continue to index LNCS, but it will be included in a new index,
specifically for proceedings.
Q8) I have two or more papers in ICCS - should I register separately for each paper?
A8) Yes, you should, but a reduced rate applies for additional papers (see the conferences rates and registration page
Q9) I am a student - do I get a reduced rate?
A9) We do not have a student rate, but a young participants rate. (see the conferences rates and registration page).
Q10) Where do I find the copyright form and the LNCS formatting instructions?
A10) Please see
http://www.springer.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html . If, for some reason the page does
not load, try again later.
Note that you only need to submit the copyright form after the paper has been accepted for the conference
Q11) What should I put on the copyright transfer form?
A11) Book title: ICCS 2008 proceedings
Editors: Bubak, van Albada, Sloot, and Dongarra
Q12) Must all authors sign the copyright transfer form?
A12) No, it is assumed that one author can sign for all.
Q13) Where should I send my copyright form?
A13) We now inderstand that Springer actually prefers a scanned copy.
Use pdf, gif or jpg format for scanned image, make sure it is legible
Upload it to the same page as your paper - but as a separate file named "Copyrightpaper-id.ext".
Q14) When will registration information be available?
A14) See here for conference fees, here
for information about the venue and here for registration and payment.
Q15) How do I get a visa?
A15) you can find information needed to apply for a Polish tourist Visa
at the webpage of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
at: http://www.msz.gov.pl/Polish,Missions,Abroad,2349.html where you can find (among others): Visa requirements, Visa Application Form and List of POLISH MISSIONS ABROAD.
Q16) And if I need an invitation letter after all?
A16) Send an e-mail to the local organizers at iccs2008@cyf-kr.edu.pl
Q17) What are the most common problems with the LNCS format? 
A17) The things that should be checked now are:
- The paper itself:
- Are both sources and printable version available?
- Is the length of the printable version OK? (≤ ten pages)
- Is the layout OK, are the figures legible, can you open the file without getting messages about missing fonts?
- Does it conform to the LNCS format (printing area not larger than 122 mm × 193 mm; watch for figures, table boundaries etc)
- Line spacing, font sizes etc. not reduced to make everything fit.
- Meta data (on url):
- Are all authors listed and in the correct order?
- Is the abstract identical to the one in the paper?
Papers that do not comply with the requirements regarding
- Paper length
- basic LNCS format
- Author registration for the conference
- Copyright form
will be dropped from the proceedings.
The submitted paper must
be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS (for formatting information see Information for LNCS Authors).
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and present the paper. PostScript and source versions of your
paper must be submitted electronically through the paper
submission system.
Please, note that papers must never exceed ten pages in length, when typeset
using the LNCS format. A paper without figures can be around 5600 words maximally.
Dates of deadlines for draft paper submission
(full paper), notification of acceptance, deadline for camera-ready
paper submission and registration may be found in the Important
section of this Web site.
Papers should be based on unpublished, original work and must be submitted to ICCS only.
Q18) When the conference program will start and end?
A18) The scientific program of ICCS'2008 will start on Monday June 23 at 08.30 and will end on Wednesday June 25, 2008
at 18.30. This should help you in planning your travel. As we have accepted about 300 papers, we are not able
to schedule them according to individual dreams of the ICCS'2008 participants, so, please, do not send us
emails asking about a special allocation of your papers.
The papers will be organised in sessions according to their subjects.
ICCS 2008 is organised by |