ICCS 2008: Keynote abstract – Stefan Blügel
Computational Materials Science at the Cutting Edge
Stefan Blügel
Institut für Festkörperforschung,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
Phone: +49 2461 61 4249
Fax: +49 2461 61 2850
Material science is a field which cuts through physics, chemistry, biology,
and engineering working with an enormous spectrum of different
material systems and structures on quite different length and time scale and
symmetry, on different degrees of hardness or softness as well as on liquids.
The degree to which new functionalities of magnetic clusters, quantum dots,
bio-molecules or carbon nanowires can be exploited for
specific applications depends heavily on our ability to design devices
with optimal behavior in response to external stimulation, such as
applied voltage. While the basic physical effects are often well understood,
quantitative simulations with predictive power that do not rely on
empirical models and parameters pose a major challenge. This is
due to the large numerical effort of the calculations, to
accurately describe quantum effects at atomic and larger distances.
Therefore, modern quantum simulations in material science depend
heavily on efficient algorithms and powerful computer hardware.
During the past ten years, first-principles calculations based on the
density-functional theory (DFT) emerged as the most powerful framework
to respond to the demands mentioned above on a microscopic level. By
first-principles is meant, that the parameters of the theory are fixed
by the basic assumptions and equations of quantum mechanics. The
overwhelming success of the density-functional theory for the
description of the ground-state properties of large material classes
including organic molecules and bio-molecules, insulators, semiconductors,
semimetals, half-metals, simple metals, transition-metals and rare-earths
in bulk, at surfaces and as nanostructures such as fullerenes and nanotubes
makes it the unchallenged foundation of any modern
electronic structure based materials.
In this talk I will explore the opportunities of petaflop computing for
materials science. Petaflop computing opens the path for the treatment of
the van der Waals interaction of molecules, the chemical reactions of
bio-molecules and the treatment of strongly-correlated electrons, where
concept of individual electrons breaks down. These problems benefit from
the advent of massively parallelized computers. Conclusions for the
method development for massively parallelized computers are drawn.
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